John-Sebastian Bignell, a 2017 McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA alumnus, has recently been appointed to the position of Director National Warehousing for Lactalis Canada (formerly Parmalat Canada).

“The challenges that I will face in this new role are very motivating. Firstly, I will be responsible for increasing the profitability of the distribution network. Next, I will have to integrate Kraft natural cheese distribution activities following its acquisition by Lactalis. Finally, I will take a fresh look at distribution activities and their management,” John-Sebastian explained to the McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA team.

When asked about the impact of the McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA program on his career, John-Sebastian said that the program gave him a more global understanding of the business while developing the quality and depth of his strategic thinking. The program also helped him gain the confidence and the skills that proved to be very important when he decided to change direction in his career.

Finally, John pointed out that the key element he gained from his experience at the EMBA was: the importance of people.

“The impact of the teachers, the involvement of the staff, the quality of the colleagues that you live this experience with: These people make the difference in this EMBA. It’s the same thing in any organization: it’s all about people! “