
The best way to learn about the program is certainly to listen to our graduates talk about their own experience.<\/p>\n<\/div>

Watch all alumni testimonials on our Youtube channel<\/span><\/a><\/div>


What surprised you the most about the EMBA?<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Richad Jiva Lila<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Jean-Baptiste Lattouf<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Antoinette Noviello<\/h3>\n<\/div>

St\u00e9phanie Germano<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Bruno Meunier<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Alexandra Schwarz<\/h3>\n<\/div>

How did the EMBA help you become a better leader?<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Aider les leaders \u00e0 devenir meilleurs.<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Jennifer Vaillancourt<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Roger Mpouli Ekwalla<\/h3>\n<\/div>

M\u00e9lanie Bernard<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Jos\u00e9e Leli\u00e8vre<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Grow to your potential as a leader<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Devenez un meilleur gestionnaire<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Jim Athanasiou<\/h3>\n<\/div>

Dimitri Ladas<\/h3>\n<\/div>

How did the EMBA change you as a leader?<\/h3>\n<\/div>