Jason is passionate about environmental issues and addressing climate change.  An engineer with a public policy background, he is keenly aware of the scale of the environmental challenges we face and the limited time to address them.

“We now know that simply reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will not be enough to avoid the worst effects of climate change.  We must also actively remove carbon from the atmosphere.  Every climate solution needs to have an impact on multiple fronts if we are going to successfully transition to a low carbon society.”

Jason’s vision aligns with that of Planetary Hydrogen, whose novel Ocean Air Capture (OAC) system removes GHGs from the air and safely sequesters it in the ocean, restoring local ocean chemistry – all while producing hydrogen.  When combined with biofuels, this process can create carbon negative fuels, ultimately accelerating the clean energy transition and providing the climate solutions we need.

Jason credits his decision to enter the EMBA program for giving him the confidence to follow his convictions and take on this role.

“The EMBA program has taught me to trust my instincts, understand my purpose and use all the tools at my disposal to have a positive impact in the world.  I am very grateful for this experience and the rich network I’m now a part of.”