In an interview as part of the “15 Years of Success” series, Ariane de Warren, Director of Business Clientele at the Société des Alcools du Québec and a 2023 graduate of the EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal, shares her insights on success, its evolution, and the impact of the EMBA program on her journey. Ariane defines success as a personal sense of pride resulting from specific accomplishments or situations, evolving over time from a focus on individual outcomes to a more collective and relationship-oriented perspective. She views obstacles as opportunities for learning and growth, overcome with support from her network. Ariane credits the EMBA program not only for enhancing her professional skills but also for fostering personal development, encouraging adaptability, and embracing challenges. Her story emphasizes the importance of effort, support, and openness to change in achieving success, both professionally and personally.

Read the complete article in French.