Indigenous Consulting Group, launched a few months ago, is the noteworthy result of Bruno Pereira and Robert Auclair getting to know each other as classmates in the EMBA McGill-HEC Montreal Class of 2022.  Just a year after graduating, they launched their new venture, which brings together Bruno, an experienced consultant who’s done lots of work with and in Indigenous communities, and Robert, who has worked in various capacities for the Cree Nation of Quebec, of which he is a proud member.

Together, they’re able to provide valuable services to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations, and were readily certified as an Indigenous business by the Canadian Council for Aborignal Business. , where they collaborate to provide Cultural Awareness Training and help companies on their journey to PAR certification.

Both Bruno and Robert share their thoughts on the road that brought them here:

Bruno’s path took him right where he wanted to go:

The McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA is a perfectly tailored program for senior executives. In my case, the program bolstered my confidence and allowed me to validate my instincts and actions as an entrepreneur and business leader. In other words, I wanted to compare and update my management style, developed through my experiences, with current academic concepts and frameworks.

It’s also through the program that I got to know Robert Auclair, with whom I started a consulting firm, The Indigenous Consulting Group.

In fact, on the first day of the program, we were advised that the greatest wealth of the program would come from the participants themselves and the strong professional network we would build by the end of the journey. I confirm this is 100% true!

Robert echos Bruno, using his skill in storytelling to capture his evolution throughout the program:

I enrolled in the EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal Program to acquire the credentials and the knowledge to take the next step into the Executive level, from my role as a senior manager in a non-business environment.

I started my journey full of fear and doubt. The end of my journey in the EMBA instilled in me that anything is possible when you put ideas, creativity and imagination into action along with learning business best practices from Professors, global CEO’s and of course your network of peers who rapidly became good friends.

What I did not expect was to become a business entrepreneur with colleague Bruno Pereira at such a rapid pace and interest. We co-founded The Indigenous Consulting Group in August of 2023.  In 2024, we aim to provide clients tailored business solutions to create long lasting relationships. The EMBA program emphasizes success in business with effective communication, around collaboration, and sustainable best practices. We’ll be implementing all aspects of our learning to be a shining example and success story using the new networks established and the teachings imparted.  All that is left is for time to tell the story.

We congratulate Robert and Bruno on forging this new path, and we look forward to the story that the Indigenous Consulting Group will write.

Indigenous Consulting Group:

  • Visit the web site: 
  • Mission:  ICG’s mission is to bridge the gap between corporate goals and Indigenous values by offering an array of innovative consulting services that blend culturally specific teachings incorporated with modern strategies and empirical knowledge.
    From building respectful relationships with indigenous partners to integrating cultural perspectives into decision making processes, ICG is set to revolutionize the way businesses approach Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental Social Governance (ESG), Sustainability, and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) goals and objectives so that we can all take the journey together towards measurable business reconciliation and becoming Future Ready Organizations.