
Quatre boursières à l’impact positif  

L’EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal a récemment accueilli la cohorte 2020, dont  quatre leaders d’expérience qui, chacune à leur façon, ont un impact important sur leur communauté respective. Chacune d’entre elles a reçu une bourse de 50 000$. Ces bourses d’études soulignent leur travail important, et reflètent l’engagement de l’EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal envers [...]

COMMENT DEVENIR UN MEILLEUR LEADER : Apprendre de l’expérience d’autres leaders

This year’s McGill-HEC Montréal Executive MBA scholarship recipients presented what it is like to do business in their respective environments to their classmates. Leanne Bayer, the Executive Director of West Island Community Shares (WICS), spoke about her extensive experience in the non-profit sector and particularly of her ten years in Burundi, where she arrived shortly after the end of the civil war. Jason Annahatak, Director of the Kativik School Board, Post-Secondary Student Services, spoke about Nunavik and the Inuit culture and way-of-life, sharing advice on how to do business in the Arctic.

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