15 ans de succès EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal La cohorte 2024

Nos diplômé(e)s de la cohorte 2024 de l’EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal partagent leurs visions du succès.

Tout comme pendant le programme EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal, nos diplômé(e)s étaient invités à répondre dans la langue de leur choix.

Cynthia Massa

Cynthia Massa

Diplômée de la cohorte 2024 de l’EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal

Directrice des finances
Maple Leaf Foods

Comment définissez-vous le succès?

In the early stages of my career, I primarily associated success with tangible achievements such as promotions, salary increases, or professional recognition. Significant life events, the EMBA and enriched relationships have allowed me to reassess my definition of success and realign my goals accordingly.

Comme j’ai évolué de manière significative tant sur le plan personnel que professionnel grâce au programme EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal, je définis désormais mon succès en fonction de l’impact que j’ai eu sur les autres, de la qualité des relations et de mon bien-être global équilibré.

Pensez-vous que l’EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal jouera un rôle dans votre parcours et succès futur? Comment?

I aim to successfully lead initiatives that drive significant business growth, may be through expanding into a new market, launching innovative products, or even implement strategic partnerships or acquisitions. I seek to make a meaningful difference in society by leading corporate social responsibility initiatives by championing sustainability efforts within my business.

I choose to pursue ongoing professional development opportunities, as a self-assured and authentic leader. The EMBA was a transformative experience that not only enhanced my business acumen but also fuelled my future self-growth by equipping me with the skills, knowledge, and mindsets needed to excel in my career and make a positive impact in the world.

The selection of experienced professionals from diverse professions and industries within the McGill_HEC Montreal EMBA makes for an exceptionally enriching experience.

Les relations formées avec mes collègue de classe, les membres du corps professoral et les diplômés sont tout simplement inestimables tout au long de ma carrière, offrant un accès au mentorat, aux opportunités de collaboration et aux partenariats d’affaires potentiels.

Comment décririez-vous votre expérience EMBA à un(e) candidat(e) potentiel(le)?

The EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal Program has been a transformative experience that not only accelerated my career but has also enriched my personal and professional life in profound ways.

It’s a significant investment of time, effort, and resources, but the long-term rewards and impact on my life as a whole has been immeasurable.

Through the Worldly Mindset of the EMBA McGill-HEC Montreal Program, the exposure to diverse cultures, markets, and perspectives have broadened my worldview and enhanced my ability to navigate the complexities of the global business environment.